Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How many leads should I expect to receive each month?
A. You should expect an average of approximately 2-5 leads each month. Some of our partners get 15 leads and some get 3 leads. Volume varies based on population, weather and other factors.

Q. Are your leads exclusive?
A. Yes. Unlike some lead generation companies, we never provide a lead to more than one partner.

Q. What’s the average conversion rate I should expect?
A. There are a number of different factors that impact conversions, but our partners usually convert between 70 and 90% of the leads we generate in jobs.

Q. Am I charged for a bogus lead (i.e. wrong number, etc.)?
A. We never charge our partners for bogus leads. All calls are recorded. You can dispute any call by logging into our Partner Dashboard before the next billing cycle. You only pay for valid leads.

Q. Are there any long term contracts?
A. No. We have a retention rate of 95% so we don’t expect there to be a cancellation. In the event you want to cancel your account, we simply request a 7 day notice which allows us to find a new partner for your service area.

Q. Can I pause my account if I’m sick, on vacation, too busy due to weather, etc.?
A. Yes. Simply login to our Partner Dashboard and click Pause Account.